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Carnival Ticket Rio

Ticket Rio Carnival

L’un des plus gros vendeur de billets Rio de Janeiro Sambadrome Carnival Samba Parade

Ticket Rio est présent dans le Carnaval de Rio de Janeiro depuis plus de 10 ans. Notre agence de Voyage est spécialisée dans le Rio Sambadrome Carnaval et il est situé dans un phisical Le centre commercial le plus populaire de Rio de Janeiro. Nous offrons tous les types de billets pour le Sapucai, nos forfaits inclut les dons, passe de métro et tout assistant vous pourriez avoir besoin. Profitez du plus grand spectacle sur terre dans tribunes sièges, loges, suites de luxe ou un salon VIP super billets. 


Avec 30.000 (trente) faire la samba mille participants demi-mile le long de la piste, et un espace assez grand pour accueillir plus de 90.000 spectateurs, les Sambadrome
est sans aucun doute la plus grande scène sur la terre. Le stade a été spécialement conçu pour la Samba Paradeat the Rio Carnival
avec un certain nombre de secteurs indépendants avec loges et les tribunes des deux côtés de la piste de défilé. Pour des raisons variées, le stade est le favori de chaque concepteur de carnaval, qui gardent le Sambadrome à l’esprit lors de la création de leur thème pour le Carnaval. L’ambiance au Sambadrome les nuits de carnaval est vraiment électrisant. Le stade est bien éclairé avec des effets spéciaux, tandis que les acclamations retentissantes des spectateurs et les rythmes pulsés des battements de samba peut être entendu de miles autour.

Billets Carnaval de Rio

Places assises dans la Sambodromo est divisé en 5 classes
selon les services qu’elle offre. billets Rio Carnival peuvent être achetés en fonction du budget dont vous disposez. Les Tribunes sont une place dans le ciment et sont les plus abordables. Le coin salon alloué a numéroté sièges tandis que les boîtes ouvertes offrent des sièges pour 6 avec une table basse. Les suites de luxe sont les plus chers et sont idéales pour les groupes de 12 ou plus. Les billets Carnaval de Rio pour cette section comprennent un dîner buffet, boissons, serveur personnel et de la sécurité.

Types de billets Parade

La première chose que vous devriez considérer est le 
types de billets que vous souhaitez acheter. Il y a quatre options:


Autres noms: Arquibancadas, Gradin, Sièges Grandstans.
Le plus grand vendeur. Grande vue de dessus où la plupart des brazilian préfèrent wach la parade. Très abordable et lieu excitant d’être. Les secteurs en début ou en fin de Sambadrome sont moins chers que ceux de la moyenne parce que vous pouvez voir la parade à venir et aller loin


Autres noms: Boîtes ouvertes, Frisas. Frisas sont considérés comme les meilleurs sièges pour ceux qui se soucient peu de voir la parade. Ils ne disposent pas de tout service inclus mais ils sont très proches de la parade et les sièges sont numérotés. Rangée A est juste à côté de l’avenue, et la ligne B, C et D a un échelon plus élevé que l’autre rangée afin que les gens peuvent avoir une belle vue à tout de suite.


Other names: Numbered Chairs, Cadeiras de Pista, Assigned Chairs. The allocated chairs are only located at sector 12 or 13 (end part of sambadrome). They are more affordable than open box and people like them because they are numbered seats. In front of the 2 firsts roes of the allocated chairs you will find open boxes for sector 12/13.


Other names: Covered Suites, Camarotes, Private Suites.
The traditional camarotes are locates in the first or second floor of sambadrome. 1rst floor are up to 15 persons and 2nd floor are up to 18 people with balcony. You can buy a single ticket and share the place with other customers or buy the whole box for your family/ group of friend or company. They are more indicated for people who wants VIP services with privacy.

Other names: Super VIP Lounges Covered Suites, Super Camarotes.global12651161_968996179804124_6043240267659987745_n
The Super camarotes are huge areas for over 600 hundred people usually has 2 floors and offers All-Inclusive Services (VIP Buffet, Transfer in/Out, Open Bar)  and many atractions such as Spa, Make up Beauty center, Live shows in the breaks and Djs. All Super Camarotes has an area in the first floor called “Lounges” where you can see the samba parade very close to the avenue (where it suppose to be the open boxes). Super VIP Lounges Covered boxs are really fun and great experience. Ticket Rio offer the follows Super Camarotes: Folia Tropical, Global Executive e Super Sapucai.

Tickets Carnaval Rio


Rio Carnival Ticket

Rio de Janeiro Carnival Samba Parade Sambadrome
The Biggest Show on Earth.
Package Includes: Tickets + Subway Pass In/out + Gifts


Rio Carnival

Rio Carnival is a 5-day brazilian celebration, 40 days before Easter.
It officially starts on Friday and finishes on Fat Tuesday with the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday after which one is supposed to abstain from all bodily pleasures. Carnival with all its excesses, celebrated as a profane event, could be interpreted an act of farewell to the pleasures of the flesh. It is usually in February, the hottest month in the Southern Hemisphere, when summer in Rio is at its peak.

The Samba Parade in Rio de Janeiro is something everybody should experience at least once in their lives. The event is broadcast live to several countries. Watching on TV is comfortable but not any close to the fun that is being there. Definitely mingle with the crowds and watch the Brazilians and Cariocas (the people of Rio).


Buy Rio Sambadrome Carnival Tickets

Rio Carnival Tickets 
Seating in the Sambodromo is divided in to 5 classes depending on the services it offers. Rio Carnival tickets can be bought depending on the budget you have. The Grandstands are a place in the cement and are the most affordable. The allocated seating area has numbered seats while the open boxes offer seating for 6 with a coffee table. The luxury suites are the most expensive and are ideal for groups of 12 or more. The Rio Carnival tickets for this section include a dinner buffet, drinks, personal waiter and security.

Types of Parade Tickets

The first thing you should consider is the types of tickets you would like to buy. There are four options:



Other names: Arquibancadas, Bleachers, Grandstans Seats. The biggest seller. Great view from top where most of brazilian prefer to wach the parade. Very affordable and exciting place to be. Sectors in the beginning or end of sambadrome are cheaper than the ones in the middle because you can see the parade coming and going away.


Other names: Open Boxes, Frisas. Frisas are considered the best seats for the ones who just care about seeing the parade. They do not have any service included but they are very close to the parade and the seats are numbered. Row A is just beside the avenue, and row B, C and D has a step higher than the other row so people can have a great view at any row.


Other names: Numbered Chairs, Cadeiras de Pista, Assigned Chairs. The allocated chairs are only located at sector 12 or 13 (end part of sambadrome). They are more affordable than open box and people like them because they are numbered seats. In front of the 2 firsts roes of the allocated chairs you will find open boxes for sector 12/13.


Other names: Covered Suites, Camarotes, Private Suites.
The traditional camarotes are locates in the first or second floor of sambadrome. 1rst floor are up to 15 persons and 2nd floor are up to 18 people with balcony. You can buy a single ticket and share the place with other customers or buy the whole box for your family/ group of friend or company. They are more indicated for people who wants VIP services with privacy.


Other names: Super VIP Lounges Covered Suites, Super Camarotes
The Super camarotes are huge areas for over 600 hundred people usually has 2 floors and offers All-Inclusive Services (VIP Buffet, Transfer in/Out, Open Bar)  and many atractions such as Spa, Make up Beauty center, Live shows in the breaks and Djs. All Super Camarotes has an area in the first floor called “Lounges” where you can see the samba parade very close to the avenue (where it suppose to be the open boxes). Super VIP Lounges Covered boxs are really fun and great experience. Ticket Rio offer the follows Super Camarotes: Folia Tropical, Global Executive e Super Sapucai.


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